Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sore thumbs up

Well after my failed attempt at my last batch of cookies, I was at it again today.  After searching my kitchen for a rectangle shaped object for as my make shift cookie cutter, I started the blender and whipped up a batch of my favourite sugar cookie recipe. 

I learned a few things with this cookie design....

First and foremost, the #1 Tip is not for sissy's.  However, I'm sure if the consistency was a little better, my right hand wouldn't be throbbin as I type this new post.  One day, I hope to master this...yes, my dreams are small, but dream I do.

Secondly, I really should pick up a squeeze bottle for my 'flooding', it would be a time saver, a bag saver and seriously how very 'professional' of me? 

Thirdly, never pipe letters after 10 pm, it should be a law.  You end up piping sideways, your hands are tired, or better yet, you can't speell.

Lastly, I'm positive I'll learn more.

Here's my end product....

Elegant Baker like this


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