There's just something about seeing 'Cookie Monster' that makes me smile.
Could it be because back in the 70's between watching the Smurfs and Switchback...Sesame Street was my staple.
Of course, this could be where my obsession with cookies stems from, however Cookie Monster doesn't eat the dough, as far as I know.
Maybe it's because I had a Cookie Monster stuff animal, no bigger than my hand, but when you shook him, his eyes made this hilarious sound...either way, I love Cookie just as much as I love dough.
While searching the internet for baking inspiration, I fell across what had to be the cutest cupcake that ever was (Cookie Cupcake). Ack! This rocks. To kitchen me go.
Here's how I made Cookie in my kitchen...
Yes, those are the cutest measuring spoons/cups you've ever seen.
A sweet gift from my hubby (Chief Bake Taster) which were picked up in a cute shop in Halifax, NS called The Hen House.
You can pick up these adorable kitchen helpers from DCI Gifts
I will not eat the icing...I will not eat the icing.
It's 'Cookie' blue
My 'Cookie' naked
'Cookie's' outfit
Open wide 'Cookie'!
Sweet mother of love Cookie
Finally someone that loves cookies just as much as me
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